When you donate to ISHA WARRIORS : Yoga For Teens, you are helping be a part of the change you want to see in this world…because our work involves helping the future leaders of this world!
Our nonprofit organization is on a mission to support mental health, cultivate emotional resilience and develop physical strength for teens all over the world through focused yoga series accessible to all abilities, weekly empowering podcasts and social media content that edifies and elevates.
8 Benefits of Yoga for Teens.
In this space there’s zero pressure and zero judgment. No one to please, no grade to earn, no competition to train for.
In a world of constant noise and instant everything. Yoga offers teens a place to pause and practice listening to their own powerful inner voice.
Yoga helps improve coordination, balance, strength, and flexibility.
Through breath and awareness, yoga lowers cortisol levels and helps teens focus on the present; increasing relaxation.
Doing yoga is the best kind of self care! You give yourself a chance to get intune with what you are feeling and what you are needing. It also gives you a chance to try new things and celebrate small successes; both things that build self esteem.
Studies have found that children with ADHD who practiced yoga once or twice weekly can improve their behavior as well as school performance.
I have been practicing yoga for over twenty years and am still learning new poses! Yoga sparks the imagination and by unplugging from outside stimulus-you give yourself permission to think for yourself. To day dream. To ponder. To relax.
To be successful in life you have to have tenacity and be willing to get out of your comfort zone. During a yoga class you are constantly practicing leaning into discomfort!
All of our content is free because someone LIKE YOU donated to ISHA WARRIORS!
Annual Teen “Not Alone” Event
To raise awareness-because mental health matters.
Mental illness is a battle we lose at least 10 teens to every day.
Holding events in person yoga events helps teens feel connection and validation. With your generous donations-ISHA WARRIORS will be able to hold more in person NOT ALONE events in more locations! Are you interested in making a difference in your community?!
See how you can donate to ISHA WARRIORS or start a NOT ALONE event in your city today!
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in teenagers.
We have lost too many teens; too young.
Each year ISHA WARRIORS: YOGA FOR TEENS hosts a Beginners’ yoga class and lantern lighting event during National Suicide Awareness and Prevention Week to bring more awareness to how much mental health matters and to honor those we have loved and lost. Yoga has been proven to help with mental illnesses and when we do it together…We are reminded we are never alone in our journey!
Be a part of this annual teen event ALL YEAR LONG, by purchasing a lantern that will be lit NEXT September in honor of a loved one you have lost and by making a donation to ISHA WARRIORS so we can host more in person events and spread more yoga to teens!!
“I love doing yoga with Isha Warriors because it’s time for me to relax while still working the body and I don’t have to worry about being judged or messing up.”
-Makayla, 16yrs (StudioJ2 & WNBA Fever Hip Hop Team)
Below are a few free resources to get you started on your path to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wholeness.
Why Blocks Are Your Best Friend
This video is for someone who wants to know what props are essential for practice, what kind of props to buy and how much a good quality prop costs. Come find out why blocks are your best friend.
Ten (Free) Things You Can Do Today to Combat Depression & Anxiety
Be the hero of your own story. There are things YOU can start doing TODAY to support your mental health journey and create more happiness and peace in your life. Click below for PDF.
Level Up Your Game
Elite athletes know that most of a game is played up in the mind. Mental toughness, getting into the zone, playing effortlessly…all those things take practice and starts with visualizations off the court.
Get into the right headspace here.
All About That Breath, 'Bout That Breath = No Trouble!
Why all the focus and fuss about your breathing?! Find out 8 reasons why mindful breathing is the key to a thriving life. Tap into your breathing potential.
Why Chair Yoga for Teens?
I’VE WORKED WITH TEENAGERS LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW THERE ARE DOZENS of reasons why a yoga routine on the mat isn't the right fit for everyone. It may be they struggle with balance or they feel extremely self conscious, intimidated and uncomfortable doing the poses. Or perhaps there are physical circumstances that make getting up and down off a mat not doable or maybe they are recovering from a sports injury and in PT. Crushing a yoga class from the chair is a great way to build confidence for ANYONE.
I’VE BEEN TEACHING CHAIR YOGA FOR OVER 7 YEARS and every week I have someone tell me how their life has changed because of it, or how it's 10x their physical therapy. Even if you only make it through half a class or can only do half the poses to start with. The important thing is TO GET STARTED!
“Somebody Before Something” is the mantra for the first week. It is important to remember you are more than the sport you play. What is your “Why”? What do you value? Answering these questions will help keep you grounded and positive when it feels like the world has turned upside down.
All teen series include chair yoga classes.
