Free Resources
Tools to support therapy sessions, teachers’ classes and before and after school programming found here. You will find an empowering series created to build confidence and emotional resilience.
Beginners yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Chair yoga and Restorative yoga classes are included, as well as companion podcasts that add insight to weekly themes and weekly journal prompts that can be used for introspection.
Do you want your athletes to be more confident in their abilities, more disciplined during practice, more in control during games and more coachable? Incorporate these videos into your programming and see less injuries and more mentally athletes on your team!
Beginners yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Chair yoga and Restorative yoga classes are included, as well as companion podcasts that add insight to weekly themes and weekly journal prompts that can be used for introspection.
Whether you are trying to get in the right head space right before a game, you are looking for tools to help prevent a panic attack or wanting deeper sleep for better health…this is a a great place to get you started.
You’ll find short meditations, guided sleep helps, and breathing exercises here.
Welcome to a fun empowering series created to build self confidence, respect and love, as well as, physical strength and emotional resilience.
As you enjoy six weeks of podcasts, journal prompts and yoga routines, remember that you will get the most out of this series and see the biggest difference in your daily life if you practice yoga at least twice a week and actually take time to do the journal prompts and use the tools suggested!
Beginners yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Chair yoga and Restorative yoga classes are included.
Yoga helps build strength, agility, mobility and mental toughness. it also helps decrease the chance of sports injury and builds confidence.
As you enjoy six weeks of podcasts, journal prompts and yoga routines, remember that you will get the most out of this series and see the biggest difference in your daily life if you practice yoga at least twice a week and actually take time to do the journal prompts and use the tools suggested!
Beginners yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Chair yoga and Restorative yoga classes are included.
Freedom from depression and anxiety is possible. Doing yoga regularly is a great way to support the therapy, medications and activities you are already doing to help you find peace and joy!
As you enjoy eight weeks of podcasts, journal prompts and yoga routines, remember that you will get the most out of this series and see the biggest difference in your daily life if you practice yoga at least twice a week and actually take time to do the journal prompts and use the tools suggested!
Beginners yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Chair yoga and Restorative yoga classes are included, as well as companion podcasts that add insight to weekly themes and weekly journal prompts that can be used for introspection.
These resources are available for free because of the generosity of people who understand the transformative power yoga and mindfulness can have in a teenagers’ life.
Every $25 helps us produce another empowering podcast.
Every $50 helps us upload another video to Youtube so more teens can find the tools they need.
Every $100 allows us to create new content and connect with teenagers through in person yoga classes!
What tax deductible amount can you give today?!