Don’t forget your strap and a block! This month we are working on Eagle Pose for balance! If standing is not available to you, stay in your chair and mimic the moves we do standing!!

Yoga w/Larry.

“Be the Hero of Your Own Story”. We talk about owning your life experience and taking responsibility to create your Happy as we enjoy an energizing breathing exercise called Pulling Prana, as well as shoulder openers, seated Pigeon, modified Sun Salutation and Eagle Pose!


Yoga w/Lana

“It Comes Back to You”. Life is like an echo. What you send out comes back. What you reap, you sow. What you give you get. What you think matters. What you eat matters. What you listen to and watch matters. What you say matters.

Join us for Pulling prana + Eagle Pose and a lot of laughter.

Yoga w/ Christin

“Whatever It Takes”: What if I gave you a blank check and told you you could write whatever you wanted to in the empty space. Would you put on there what you made last year or a million dollars?! Picture the future is like that blank check. Let’s stop making our decisions based on what has happened in the past and think about what kind of future!

Alternate Nostril Breathing + Shoulder openers + live violin for savasana


Yoga w/ Barb


The final week of our 8 week series! Take all the thought work prompts. Cycle through them. Then do it again! How you do shift your thought patterns mid-day?

Stitch by stitch we are creating a masterpiece.

Spring is the perfect time to plant new thoughts, feed your soul, create things that bring you joy and watch beauty unfold everywhere. -Alli Louthain




Freedom From Depression & Anxiety Series Weeks 1-4