“Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor. It’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be loving.”


Yoga with Larry.

Join me and one of my favorite Vietnam Vets in our 8 week Freedom From Depression & Anxiety Series.

Week One: “It’s OK To Be Not OK.”

Pause. Take a deep breath. Acknowledge how you feel in this moment and how your body feels during your poses. Let go of judgment and criticism. You are not broken; You are practicing at being human.

Yoga With Marie.

Join me and one of my Italian Aunties in our 8 week Freedom From Depression & Anxiety Series.

Week Two: “Be Still.”

Don’t be scared to be still and face your demons/your perceived weaknesses. Look inside and see the REAL you; the masterpiece and the work in progress…Love all of you. Love your strengths and allow yourself to shine; knowing with those strengths you can do good. Love your weaknesses and allow yourself to be imperfect; knowing with those weaknesses comes humility; an essential trait to developing your highest self.” 

This class includes: shoulder openers using a strap, seated pigeon, wide pyramid pose and standing extended big toe balance pose.


Yoga w/ Karen

All the Karens I know are incredible, amazing women and today I get to be with one of my very favorite Karens!

She started doing Chair yoga four years ago, then transitioned to mat practice and now she can tell when she hasn’t done gotten yoga in 5 times a week!

Yoga w/ Jeana.

Our final week working on Standing Extended Big Toe balance pose! In this class we also do shoulder openers, seated pigeon and a Warrior Series. Jeana also shares a little impromptu hula with me at the end of class.

Week Four: Embrace the lessons life has to offer you and LET GO. This creates space for peace and healing can flow into your life.


Freedom Series Weeks 5-8


Lucky You!