Week 1: “Someone Before Something”

Is your worth tied to your accomplishments, your accolades, your job title, your awards, your workout stats or the number of Likes you have on your social…
Ask yourself your WHY and what your VALUES are in life.    Then let YOUR WHY’S motivate you to live your best life and LIVE YOUR VALUES.

Week 2: “Mental Toughness”

You are a champion in your mind and then in real life! It is said that performing in any sport is 90% mental and 10% physical. Where is your head today? Join Lilly and I in developing mental focus.

Gyan Mudra + Core workout + Shoulder openers + Warrior Series + Tree Pose

Week 3: “In the Zone”

“Each point I play is in the now moment. The last point means nothing. The next point means nothing.” -Billie Jean King

Join Lana, former soccer player and I as we practice staying in the present; which is a powerful place to be.

Week 4: The Ego Paradox

How do we stay in that sweet spot where we believe in our talent without it taking over our lives?! How do we stay emotionally resilient?! We see our failures as feedback, we rise again after we fall and we dream new dreams.

Take a load off and join Izzy, my softball playing friend and I.

Week 5: Fearless

I love the how Ian calms his fears before a track meet. Focusing on how we have prepared and how much fun we are going to have…it takes the pressure off and brings the joy of the sport in. And when we have fun it turns pressure into pleasure.

Week 6: Rock Your Walk Up Song!

Move through life in your own way! When you know your Why and you understand you are Someone before Something-you keep the things you value in your sport. Join Nolan and I and let’s keep the spark and joy in our lives.


You Are Not Alone


B.R.A.G. All You Want