Episode 53: Bravest Love with Teen Life Coach Lindsay Law from Youth Rising Coaching

Have you ever dreamed of walking in "Anne of Green Gables" country?!

How about taking a trip that reconnects you to yourself AND strengthens your relationship with your teen daughter?


We will hanging out at the beach, hiking the countryside, cliff jumping, kayaking, touring where Anne of Green Gables was filmed, doing yoga with me every morning and getting inspired by firesides every night! Plus, every participant will have have the opportunity to do one on one coaching with Lindsay during the retreat.

Reset, recharge and retreat with your teen daughter with me this June in paradise!!

Episode highlights & Youth Rising Coaching info:

"Self love is the bravest kind of love. It takes courage. It takes patience. It takes forgiveness."  -Alli Louthain

  1. Self love is a life long journey. 

  2. It is integral to acknowledge how you are feeling within your body. Because no matter what you are feeling, it is OK. 

  3. Self acceptance comes with loving every emotion. Hard ask, right?!

  4. It helps to imagine the emotion you feel is like a cute dog that wants to nuzzle. Imagine you say “You are welcome here, dog (emotion.)”

  5. Befriending your emotions is a huge tool to self acceptance. And it is OK to not ready to be friends with every emotion yet. You may not feel like hugging “a smelly wet dog” but you can still think I love you…I just don’t want to hug you right now. And you can ask, “What is it you need right now?”

  6. Because we aren’t intentional with creating a relationship with ourselves we create UN-INTENTIONAL relationships that come from our LIZARD brain (survival mode). “Must just survive.” 

  7. The difference between therapy and life coaching…think about a number line. ZERO or a ONE is functioning. Therapy helps you struggling on a deeper level (like you were negative on a number line)…coaching helps you move into higher numbers on the number scale by uncovering thoughts that LIZARD BRAIN has been feeding you all these years and trying on new thoughts from an unbiased perspective. 

TOOLS to help us SELF LOVE:

#1 Be intentional with creating a relationship with yourself.  You have to CHOOSE self-love every day to tap into WIZARD BRAIN instead of LIZARD BRAIN. 

#2 Imagine you are your best friend and talk to yourself like you would to your best friend. Am I being kind to myself like I would be to a good friend.

#3 Use the word AND instead of but. THE POWER OF AND….I am feeling anxious AND I love myself. 

#4 Choose to welcome emotions and get support from a life coach, a therapist or a counselor to do it! Because ignoring your feelings or resisting them offers RELIEF but that relief is temporary and keeps you stuck.

Website- www.youthrisingcoach.com

Link to Monthly Teen Coaching Chat: https://www.youthrisingcoach.com/teenchats


Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Youth-Rising-100357341726054

Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQxUkLKT8Itb9tFstz29TxQ?view_as=public

Retreat Info-https://www.youthrisingcoach.com/motherdaughterretreat


Episode 54: How Do I Know If It’s An Eating Disorder? Interview with psychotherapist, Lauren Harding, LSW


Episode 52: What We Do Matters