Episode 55: Eating Disorder Mindset- A Teen’s Persepctive (Interview with Ella Parsons)

Ella Parsons is a sophomore at Utah Tech university, where she serves as a school ambassador.  She is studying psychology and sociology and wants to go into a field where she can pursue her passion of educating people on diet culture and shining a light on the distorted way society currently views bodies and food. 

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Let's talk about what a few examples of "Diet Culture" are.

  • Smaller bodies are the goal.

  •  Losing weight is the norm.  We all should be doing it.

  •  If you are bigger…you will have to go on a diet to lose weight to live a better life.

  • We see hunger as a problem that needs to be solved through extremes. 

  • I will become a different version of myself that is skinny = happy/better

  • The diet will be worth it no matter the time or cost.

What woke Ella up to how disordered her eating was.

  • Seeing someone she loved hurting herself with eating disordered behaviors.

  • Realizing that no diet was going to work because she was doing it out of hate.

  • Hearing the words, "You don't have to live like this." (ie Diet Culture)

What has helped Ella heal and thrive in life.

  1. Talking about our struggles. It takes away the power that the struggle has over us.  There is nothing to be embarrassed about. 

  2. Acknowledge the thoughts that are keeping you stuck. When you feel gross/fat etc “I don’t love how I am feeling right now-I wonder what is happening outside of my life that might factor in to why I am feeling this way?” DO NOT IGNORE THE THOUGHTS .

  3. The food isn’t actually the problem-it’s the thoughts about food.

  4. Practice BODY NEUTRALITY. 

  5. Practice food neutrality.  Instead of food is good or bad.

  6. Body & food neutrality is NOT glorifying obesity 

  7. Don’t assume that thin people are happy “thin-ness does not = happiness”

  8. What we REALLY want is to feel pretty, to be seen, to being valued AND YOU CAN FEEL THOSE THINGS IN EVERY BODY TYPE.

  9. Be ok with leaning into discomfort, so you do not miss out on life experiences.

  10.  Life is so much easier when you free up all the brain space and the energy you used to worry about all those things.

  11.  It is HARD TO BELIEVE IT IS TRUE…give yourself grace as you practice.

  12.  “I don’t like how my stomach looks and I am still funny, loving, Ella.” 

  13. My body is the least interesting thing about me.

  14. We don’t need to bond over hating ourselves comments

  15.  Set boundaries in your life so you don’t surround yourself with triggering circumstances and people

  16. Don't wait “till things get bad” to get help. Seek professional help now. 

  17. Girls don’t be afraid to TAKE UP SPACE. 

"The F*** It Diet" by Carolyn Dooner
"More Than A Body" by Lindsay & Lexi Kite
"Breaking Free From Body Shame" by Jess Connolly
"8 Keys to Recovery from an Easting Disorder" by Carolyn Costin


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Episode 56: How A 10 year-old Became Anorexic & Her Journey of Healing - Interview With Christy Roberts from Emerging Health


Episode 54: How Do I Know If It’s An Eating Disorder? Interview with psychotherapist, Lauren Harding, LSW