Episode 57: Social Media-Trap or Tool? Interview with Anna Shirley

Anna Shirley lives in Indiana with her husband, and three teens and tweens.  Anna was born and raised in SLC, UT and graduated from the University of Utah in Political Science. For almost 20 years, she has worked at the University of Utah’s Institutional Review Board (IRB).  Anna has also written for TodaysMama.com and was active in a local group of Instagram photographers in Indianapolis for several years keeping her involved in social media. For the last 5 years she has served as the Communications Director of the Indianapolis West Stake for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

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Today's Episode!
Being able to use fire revolutionized humankind.  Fire provides warmth and light...and it can also be dangerous, unpredictable and painful.  Social Media is the "fire" of our time that affects humankind in a revolutionary way every day. 
It is both a tool and a trap.
What are the negative sides of social media?

  • Misinformation, discord, division

  • Hesitation to interact (we've been burned online before)

  • Time waster

  • Compare our reality to other's “highlight reel”

  • Social Currency (attributing value to you/your identity)

  • FOMO

  • Harassment

  • Overwhelm

Audit Your Use! 
How did that make you feel?
How do we choose to act?
How do we choose to react?

Create a Better Online Experience!

Post with purpose

What is the purpose?  Does it follow the THREE C's?

 The Three C’s

How does it serve the people I love? 


“We should not exaggerate, embellish, or pretend to be

someone, or something we are not. Our content should be

trustworthy and constructive.” – David A. Bednar

Community building

What are your spheres of influence?

How can you be an influencer? ie Pick 5 people to encourage.

Social Media Goals

Remember, social media platforms give us a unique opportunity

to flood the earth with positive thoughts, imagery, and


As a parent, use tools to be a "First Responder" instead of a "First Reactor".   
Look at these tools as a way to have open loving communication and a way to help guide teens in how to "use fire" safely.

Anna referenced Episode 50: Overcoming Overwhelm

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Episode 58: Why Do NFL Players Do Yoga? Interview with Denver Broncos Offensive Lineman, Parker Ferguson


Episode 56: How A 10 year-old Became Anorexic & Her Journey of Healing - Interview With Christy Roberts from Emerging Health