Episode 62: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Figuring Out Your Purpose & Living Your Dharma

I want you to find your voice. Embrace your unique gifts and live your truth.  Doing so will bring more fulfillment and joy in your daily life and it will help lift humanity as a whole.  We waste so much time, energy and money trying to do things the way other people do them, dress like other people dress and be like other people. Comparing and compromising who we truly are feeds into the notion that we are not enough.

Dr. Sue Morter wrote in her book Energy Codes, “Our problem as humans isn’t that we are inadequate, wrong or broken; our problem is that we believe we are. This fundamental misconception underlies every other problem, dysfunction and pain we have."  

Not discovering our dharma and living our truth is like constantly trying to put your square shape into a round hole and it feeds into this feeling of “not enough”, “not complete”.  

I hope you have had fun taking a personality test of two, I hope you have checked out Carol Tuttle’s energy profiling and started to identify the incredible qualities and strengths you were born with and I hope you have been asking yourself Deepak Chopra’s three questions…Who am I? What do I want? How can I serve?  Have you picked three words to try on that you feel like embody your dharma? Knowing those three words will help you move through live with more intention and purpose.  And there are five things we tend to do that will mess us up on our journey to discovering our dharma and living it. So today, I will share with you 5 Don’ts.

  1. Don’t ask for other people’s opinions or advice.  

  2. Don’t skip your grounding routines and rituals that connect you to your higher brain/divine self/inner Light/highest self.

  3. Don’t focus first on how you will make money living your purpose.

  4. Don’t equate your dharma and life purpose with your role, title, a project or an accomplishment.

  5. Don’t waste your time putting off taking action.

  • Action creates the law of attraction. Taking action gives you feedback to let you know you are on the right path and living your truth. 

  • Don’t get caught stalling and trying to figure out everything out or come up with a perfect plan to fulfill your purpose.

  • Let go of control and needing to know what comes next.

  • Don’t avoid taking action because you are thinking you now need to come up with something big or new in your life or implement a life change or create some new project or business or product that will revolutionize the world.  Dharma plays out in the everyday small moments of our lives. 

  • Don’t put off taking action wasting your time trying to convince people that what you are doing has worth.

I believe we are all meant to do impossible things. 

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Episode 63: "I Am Complete" A Guided Sleep Help Meditation


Episode 61: How Do I Figure Out My Purpose (Dharma)? Part Two- Gathering External & Internal Knowledge