Bonus Fearless Episode : Impulsandonos a Cristo

There's never a convenient time to be to handshake your fear.
How long have you been avoiding doing something because you are scared to dive in?

Make yourself accountable. Sign up for that ___________. Commit to doing the ___________.

It might be terrifying. You might fall on your face.

But we know there's no such thing as failure. And being vulnerable is courageous.

I have been wanting to learn Spanish my whole life. (Teens do not waste your chance to learn another language now! It just gets harder to carve out the time!)

I am speaking at a Spanish congregation in a couple of weeks and my dear friend, Silvana Fernandez worked so hard and translated my talk from English to Spanish and has read it here for me so I can practice my intonation and pronunciation.

This talk is a powerful reminder to me that we never have to do this journey alone.

When you gather the courage to handshake your fear...Ask for help. Bring others along with you. Make it fun.

Let people be in your corner.

I know that even though I am going to sound like a Kindergartner giving this talk at the pulpit in a couple of weeks...Silvana will be in the audience smiling at me like a proud mama.


Episode 29: Rock Your Walk Up Song (Week Six of yoga For Athletes)


Episode 28: Fearless (Week Five of yoga For Athletes)