Episode 29: Rock Your Walk Up Song (Week Six of yoga For Athletes)

Today I am going to tell you two ways you can keep your fire lit and your life full of joy!

One is to "Rock YOUR Walk Up" song and the second is to have S.M.A.R.T. goals that keep you progressing without feeling overwhelmed. 

Walk Up songs are picked for their personal meaning.  Each player, in their own way, gets to approach the plate with a song that helps them release tension and fear as well as pumps them up to play in a fun way.

Whether you need to get into the right head space to head to work, take a math test or go crush the competition on the court, we all need Walk Up songs in our life; a reminder that life is meant to be fun and that we should crush it in our own unique way.

Are you taking your life/your job/your game too seriously? How do you know? 

Listen in and find out then set SMART goals to help you achieve your shoot fo the moon dreams! 

S stands for specific.  

M measurable.

A achievable. 

R realistic

T time-bound

Venus Williams said, “Set realistic goals, keep re-evaluating, and be consistent.” 

When we come up short to reaching a goal we gather feedback, re-evaluate and focus on what we've gained. We DON'T make it mean we are failures...we just decide if the goals are "S.M.A.R.T." and move forward.


Episode 30: Suicidal Thoughts: A Teen Perspective


Bonus Fearless Episode : Impulsandonos a Cristo