Bonus Relaxation Help: A Vacation From My Problems

Do you remember the movie, "What About Bob?"!?

In the 1991 movie, Bill Murray, playing a troubled soul named Bob, is given a figurative prescription from Dr. Marvin to take “a vacation from his problems”.  Bob excitedly does just that and at one point in the movie, we see Bob has asked to be strapped to a ship mast to combat his fears of being out on the water and as the boat glides along the water, with complete joyful abandon, he exuberantly shouts, “I’m sailing! I’m sailing!”

Wouldn't it be amazing to feel like we were sailing through a difficult circumstance? 

This visualization is dedicated to my dear friend, Becky, who is going through cancer transfusions right now and in desperate need of taking "a vacation from her problems" even if she can't physically go anywhere to escape.

Whether you are waiting to go in for a procedure to happen, the dentist to drill or stressing over an upcoming exam...there are times in our life when it is beneficial to listen to a guided meditation to bring awareness to the breath and help us let go of the worries before us...

So take a little vacation with me...your circumstance might not have changed, but you may be surprised at how much YOU can change in 26 minutes when you put your mind to it.


Episode 11: The Fall (Week Three of Freedom From Depression & Anxiety)


Episode 10: Demons (Week Two) Freedom From Depression & Anxiety