Episode 72: How to Have an "I Think I Can" Mindset

The classic story of "The Little Engine That Could" by Watty Piper has been inspiring optimism and hard work for almost 100 years with the iconic phrase "I think I can!"

What mountain(s) are you facing today?

Developing the tenacity, perseverance and "Can Do" mindset the little blue engine had takes more than just repeating three words over and over again and it IS possible for each of us.

1. Boost self-efficacy.  First you must believe in yourself.

  • Recall times in the past when you "knew you could"; when you were successful and ponder on the skills, thoughts, habits etc you needed to obtain that goal.

  • Search for stories of others who have overcome impossible odds. 

2. Be aware of your powerful thoughts and cut the ties to the ones that are causing you to sink.

3. Watch sabotaging language.

  • Replace "have to" with "get to".

  • Replace "should" with "will".

  • Eliminate "try" and replace with "do".

4. Know your motivation. There are three that will set you up to fail and three that will set you up to strive for success.

Set to FAIL:

  • Disinterested

  • External.

  • Imposed.

Set to Succeed:

  • Inherent

  • Aligned

  • Integrated

5. Mindset is yours to control.

Choose to wake up every morning repeating “I think I can.” Instead of I can not I can not.  Always be mindful of your thoughts and words…and your actions will automatically start to change.  You are the one willing to change and as you change, the world changes because of you.

You deserve to reach the mountain top.

You deserve success.

And not just you. The people, the animals, communities, the earth etc you will bless deserve your success too.

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Episode 73: The Holstee Manifesto


Episode 71: What To Say Instead of Sorry