Episode 15: “Whatever It Takes”

What if I gave you a blank check and told you you could write WHATEVER amount of money you wanted in the empty space and it would be given to you? 

How much money would you ask for?  Would you write down the amount you made last year mowing lawns and babysitting or put down a million dollars? Would you write down what your salary was last year or what the salary of the CEO running your company was making? 

It’s a no brainer. Think of how many fun and incredible things you could do with a million dollars!! 

OK, what if you envisioned the next 6 months of your life was like that blank check and you could write in whatever you want to see happen on the empty line?

Would you write in the same scenario that’s been playing on repeat the last 6 months or would you write in something even better for yourself?! 


Episode 16: NO Time For Toxic People


Episode 14: It Comes Back To You (Week Six of Freedom From Depression & Anxiety) with Special Guests from “Fearless Wellness”