Episode 18: Grow!

"I watch ___________ grow in awe and enjoy the process." Is the mantra for all my yoga classes this month!
What do you want to see grow in your life?
An attribute? A skill? Physical strength?
"Change is inevitable-growth is optional." -John Maxwell

Choose to invest in growing in your life and then "consider the lilies how they grow-they toil not, nor do they spin." and follow the example of nature and focus on the things you CAN control and let the universe take care of the details and all the things you can't.

Trust the seeds you are planting right now, surrender into that place of discomfort as you experience growing pains and be grateful for another day to pursue "the new beginnings that are calling you." (Morgan Harper Nichols.)


Episode 19: Listen to Understand


Episode 17: It’s Not your Job