Episode 26: In The Zone

We have all watched a movie where time slows down for the athlete.  The background fades to dark, their breath gets louder, you can hear their heart beating.   You see them focused entirely on the task at hand and everything is still while they make that clutch shot, the touchdown catch, the winning the race by a nose, the scoring the winning penalty shot etc. 

It’s in this moment I want you to pause the feel good movie. Because if you think that you can get into the zone at the most crucial moment and make the tough decisions and the clutch plays without doing the mental exercises and a consistent mind building work you may get lucky, but you also may be sorely disappointed.

Don’t take a chance!  Don’t wait for that slow-motion moment to get into the zone. 

Start doing the mind work today!

Listen in to find out exactly what it means to be "in the zone" and 10 things you can do on a regular basis off the court to ensure you are in the zone on the court.  

1.    Take time to slow down each day…journal, meditate, pray.

2.    Do one thing at a time.

3.    Visualize succes…do visualizations.

4.    Do yoga or other activities that make your mind-body connection stronger

5.    Go be outside.

6.    Establish daily routines.

7.    Create game day routines.

14 Female Athletes Talk About Game Day Routines

8.    Create pre-game routines.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY2dUuMj8q8 (LeBron James's Chalk Toss)

9.    Use physical cues to help you get centered.

10.  Use music wisely. 


Episode 27: Ego Paradox (And Emotional Resiliency) Week Four of Yoga For Athletes


Bonus Track: Visualize Success