Episode 27: Ego Paradox (And Emotional Resiliency) Week Four of Yoga For Athletes

We must believe in ourselves and have self confidence to thrive in life. 
But "EGO" is mistaken for confidence all the time.   EGO is toxic to your own health, to the relationships you form with others, to your team dynamic and so on.

EGO is the "disease of ME" and there are a lot of people with EGO FEVER running rampant in our society! Listen in today to...

1.  Understand if you are infected with EGO FEVER.
2. Three remedies to quench your FEVER.3

  • Acknowledge the fever exists.

  • Humble yourself

  • Keep your EGO in check.

3.  Eight ways to develop emotional resiliency and keep your EGO in check.

  • Be truly confident & B.R.A.G All You Want .

  • https://www.buzzsprout.com/1934961/10902899

  • Take responsibility for what you can control in your game/in your life.

  • Stay in control of your emotions.

  • Fail faster.

  • Rise Again.

  • Let go of self-sabotaging.

  • Be a teammate.

  • Get settled & don't give your power to other people.


Episode 28: Fearless (Week Five of yoga For Athletes)


Episode 26: In The Zone