Episode 45: Pace Your Holiday Race with Dr. Angie Brown

So often when turbulence in our life arises…like a new job, school finals and all the events that go along with celebrating the holidays…it is tempting to try to hurry more, do more, check off more boxes on the To Do list, stay up later, drink more caffeine…etc to get it all done…

And what we find is that we feel depleted and our joy diminishes. 

I am the worst at this…like the longer the to list and the more I checked off is somehow a badge of honor, but what it really does is make me feel rushed and stressed. Which isn’t fun to live with.

I still fall short, but I am trying to be more mindful, I am trying to focus on what matters most and let go of the unessential.

 It is easier said than done.

And I need to be reminded so that intention stays in the forefront of my mind, which is why I so appreciated interviewing Dr. Angie Brown, DPT.  She is a mom, wife, coach, physical therapist, and founder of the Real Life Runners Training Academy and Real Life Runners podcast that she hosts alongside her husband, Kevin Brown. 

Angie loves helping runners to run faster and longer without injury so they can have more energy, be strong, healthy, and fit, and have more freedom in their lives.  She holds her doctorate in physical therapy, specializing in runner-specific strength and conditioning, mobility, and injury prevention for runners and also holds a certification in nutrition to help her clients integrate healthy eating to complement their training and overall health goals. She has a passion for health, wellness, food, fitness and helping to educate people on the importance of healthy lifestyle changes, in order to live an active, vibrant life, both now and as we get older.



Today you will learn how to PACE YOUR HOLIDAY RACE by:

  1. Setting an intention for the holiday & being really clear with what your priority is, as well as, how you go about setting an intention. 

  • stress is stress and you need to take both physical, mental and emotional stressors into consideration. Ie your trying to get in your “running to relieve stress” might actually be causing more stress! 

  • What can you let go of?

  • What can you simplify?

  1. Make a plan so you have the best chance to honor what your priorities are & have success. 

  • get out the calendar.

  • Be realistic.

  • Are you traveling? What schedule changes do you need to consider?

  • What things do you want to make sure happens-schedule first.

  • Think outside the box when figuring out how to keep priorities with a changing schedule. 

  1. Be flexible

  • Plan on needing to adjust. Plan on things going to come up. 

  • Have a plan B 

  • Plan to enjoy the treats & let go of guilt. 

4. Get Rest

  • Rest is when your body recovers and absorbs the… work out, the day, the event…

  • Do less and Be more


Episode 46: 3 Words That Will Change Your Relationship With Your Children


Episode 44: Miraculous Mindset