Episode 44: Miraculous Mindset

"Faith is believing in things you can not see.
Faith is also seeing things others may not believe.
Miracles & the beautiful improbable happen every day for those present enough to see them."
-Alli Louthain

What are miracles?
Have miracles ceased?
Why do we even want to see miracles and how does faith factor in?

Join me today in exploring miracles and faith in a new way, with some neat insights I gleaned from Deepak Chopra and a dear Atheist friend of mine this weekend. Learn how you can develop a miraculous mindset and start to see miracles and witness the beauty of the improbable everyday.

1. Deepak's definition of miracles is amazing! Also here is the link to "Miraculous Relationships: 21 Day Meditation Challenge".
Join me in doing it over the next month!!

2. MIRACLES are like receiving corrective eye ware to see 20/20 and FAITH is like the prescription glasses you put on.

FAITH: "to be open", "to be fully present & aware", "to be ready to receive" or "beholding with rapt attention"
-Play with substituting the word "FAITH" wherever you read it with any of the above phrases and just see how it changes how you look faith and your faith and how accessible miracles are.

3. When was the last time you put on your "Faith glasses" and saw a miracles? Seemingly mundane moments, people and places can be miraculous with the right mindset.

4. So why do we even want to see miracles?
I. They help you connect...to your higher self, to other humans, to animals, to nature and to the Divine.

II. They change your perspective.

III. They expand your belief ceiling. Things you previously thought impossible; you know are possible...what other amazing things are possible?!

IV. They bring joy, wonder, excitement and hope into your life.

V. They feed your spirit. To live a balanced life where you feel inner peace; you must nurture the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of yourself!

5. Christ is an incredible example of a miracle worker who helped everyone He taught; connect with themselves, other people and the Divine, change their perspective, expand their belief ceiling, feel joy and fulfill their spiritual needs.

What miracles are waiting like gifts ready to be opened by you today?


Episode 45: Pace Your Holiday Race with Dr. Angie Brown


Episode 43: “Mind the Gap”