Episode 50: Overcoming Overwhelm

“Are you spread thin?”

“Do you feel overwhelmed?”

“What is too much?”

“Are there things you could or should let go of?”

A  few weeks ago I spiraled down a tunnel of overwhelming thoughts until I was a Hot Mess Express. And I have been pondering on how I got to that point as well as how to prevent it from happening again.

I am so grateful to share some of insights that have come to me as I have researched more into this topic; because I know I am not the only one who has ever been caught in a web of overwhelm!!
Listen in and let's learn together.

  1. Know that feelings matter.

  2. Love your kittens and give them a home.

  3. Get the pebble out of your eye.

  4. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

  5. Time Block.

       - What are your non-negotiables? Schedule backwards from those!
      - Be specific.
       - Be realistic.

     6. Ask for help.
7. Discipline is my best friend.

Take advantage of Isha Warrior's gift this winter and get your body moving for free!!  Now through March.  And spread the love of feeling amazing with others.



Episode 51: What We Say Matters


Episode 49: We Say We Want Peace, Health & Happiness; But We Self Sabotage By Doing THIS…