Episode 69 BOUNDARIES (Part 3): 10 Signs You Need A Boundary

Envision that your thoughts and emotions are like a building on prime realty.  Space is precious and you want to get the most return for your investments.  So you are very mindful of who and what you rent out space to in your building.

Sometimes an imbalance happens...one business tries to take over the whole space and another tries to live rent free; sucking your resources without any return...

I am going to list out 10 signs that let you know if a boundary needs to be set to maintain a healthy functioning and thriving building.  These emotions arise not because something is bad or good...you might need to set a boundary up with someone you love dearly just as you would with someone you dread sealing with...emotions are just teachers and if one of the following feelings resinates with what you are experiencing today or around a specific relationship, event or circumstance...you know you need to do some boundary work.

The summary of the 10 signs are:

1. You feel burnt out & overwhelmed. You rarely say no.
2. You feel resentful/bitter/angry.  You lose your temper. You tend to complain.
3. You feel confused and find it hard to commit and make a decision.
4. You feel powerless. You let people take advantage of you. You struggle knowing who you are and what’s important to you.
5. You feel responsible to do everything. You have a never-ending to-do list.
6. You feel like your needs aren’t as important as other peoples. You struggle to ask for what you need. 
7. You feel the need to apologize.  
8. You feel responsible for other people’s feelings or you blame others for making YOU feel a certain way.
9. You feel dread that you are going see a person or go to an event etc.
10. You feel the need to escape. You resort to unhealthy coping devices.

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Episode 70: BOUNDARIES (Part 4) How To Set Boundaries That Deepen Relationships


Episode 68: Boundaries (Part 2) Why We Struggle Setting Healthy Ones.