Episode 68: Boundaries (Part 2) Why We Struggle Setting Healthy Ones.

We all struggle with setting healthy boundaries because we are humans experiencing a thousand different exchanges with different circumstances and people.  Listening to this podcast once or reading about about boundaries once is not going to be enough to solve all your problems...it needs to be an ongoing conversation and process!

Struggles with boundaries will look different for each of us. Today we talk about four different types of people and how they struggle with setting boundaries. And I will also talk about 6 ways you might be injuring people's boundaries without even realizing it or in a relationship where you are the one being injured in this way.

Bringing more awareness and acknowledgment to boundary problems and injuries are the only way we can move through the hurt, the pain, the discomfort and the dysfunctional cycles and create space for healing and lay the foundation for healthy relationships moving forward.

Listen with an open curious mind...
"Where do I struggle?"
"What ways can I do boundaries better?" and not a...
"I should be ashamed, I am horrible person." or go right to laying on blame and shame. That's not helpful. 
Let's learn and grow together!
AND WRITE DOWN YOUR IMPRESSIONS AND THOUGHTS so next week you can start implementing setting healthy boundaries!!

Boundary Problems:
Which resonates with your issues? It might be combination of more than one.

  1. Compliants

  2. Avoidants

  3. Controllers

  4. Nonresponsives

Boundary Injuries:
Do you see yourself unconsciously injuring people you love?
Are you in relationships where these injuries are happening to your boundaries?

  1. Withdrawal from other's boundaries.

  2. Hostility against other's boundaries.

  3. Over control.

  4. Lack of limits.

  5. Inconsistent limits.

  6. Trauma. 

Books for reference:

The Book Of Boundaries by Melissa Urban

Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend

SUBSCRIBE to Monday Mindset With Isha Warriors!!


Episode 69 BOUNDARIES (Part 3): 10 Signs You Need A Boundary


Episode 67: Boundaries- Why You Should Be Setting Them!