Episode 80: Self Esteem & Mental Health-Interview with Therapist, Hannah McShane

Isha Warriors is huge advocate for promoting healthy mental and emotional health and making a difference in the statistics on suicide. By having interviews like this one, we can be a part of changing the statistics on suicide because it starts with educating yourself on the matter!

Listen in today and also to the following incredibly helpful podcasts.
Episode 30: Suicidal Thoughts- A Teen's Perspective
Episode 31: Suicidal Thoughts- A Social Worker's Perspective
Episode 32: Suicidal Thoughts- A Sibling's Perspective

2022 was the HIGHEST number of suicides ever reported in US history.  This is not just a problem in America either. Join me in making a difference and letting people know they are "NOT ALONE"-one person at a time.

Support Isha Warriors Annual Not Alone event.  Donate or purchase a lantern here.Knowing your worth and having a high self esteem is crucial for mental health. Today, therapist, Hannah McShane from "Connections of Hope" in Carmel, Indiana. She graduated from Hope College with a bachelors in Psychology and Neuroscience and then went on to get her Masters in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Indianapolis. When she's not working with clients, you can find her at home hanging out with her dog and her husband...probably knitting, or watching Bravo reality TV!

Interview Overview:
1. Do you have a good relationship with yourself?  Do you have a relationship at all or are you on autopilot?  What is your inner dialogue like?

2. The difference between self care and self numbing/avoiding.

3. Ways to get grounded and be present; namely engaging the 5 senses.

4. There is a tie between low self esteem and higher tendency to feel anxious and depressed. So how do we help raise self efficacy?

  • Figure out root cause.

  • Write a list of affirmations and stick them on your mirror and read out loud.

  • Mirror "Self high five".

  • Who am I? What fuels me?

  • Speak up and ask for help. 

  • Take focus on how you look..."How I look is the least interesting thing about me."

Contact Hannah McShane at Connections for Hope for in person OR virtual therapy today! 

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Episode 81: Rethink How You Cope With Anxiety- Interview With Therapist, Eliza Telford


Episode 79: Focus On What You Can Control- Self Discipline Is My Best Friend (Part 3)