Episode 94: Share the Dignity with Share the Dignity Founder & Managing Director, Rochelle Courtenay

Did you know that 21 states in the U.S. still have the Tampon Tax? Are there taxes on menstrual products in your country? Why is this important to change? Listen in today and learn how a personal trainer read an article in the newspaper one day about homeless women that changed her life and millions of others!

Want to make your home, church, business, workplace or school a more period positive place and create a Dignity Box of your own?

Amazon link for simple menstrual product
storage box.
Redbubble links for "Dignity Box" stickers:
Plain, Blue heart, Purple floral, Dark green

Rochelle Courtenay, Founder & Managing Director of Share the Dignity.  Australia’s "Pad Lady" determined to end period poverty, founded this national charity in 2015 with the mission to ensure that everyone is afforded the dignity in life that so many of us take for granted.Share the Dignity brings dignity to those who menstruate who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness, domestic violence, or poverty through the distribution of period products and #ItsintheBag donations filled with essential items. The charity is powered by volunteers, and through Rochelle’s contagious spirit over 6,000 volunteers have jumped on board to make a difference. Share the Dignity has collected and distributed over 4 million period products through multiple initiatives across Australia. As well as holding national collections, Rochelle is passionate about advocating for change and creating long-term solutions.
Here are a couple of my favorite things Rochelle shared with me...
“Knowledge equals the ability to change.”
"My strength is I ask, "What if I don’t do it?"
“No’s don’t mean no to me-they just mean ask a different way and go a different path.” 

Check out the other amazing interviews in the series & the people behind them!
Isha Warriors'
6 Week Body Positivity Yoga Series
Chella Quint's 
"Own Your Period." & "Be Period Positive"
Christy Roberts at christy@emerging.health
Celeste Mergen's
"Power of Days" 

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Episode 95: Give Girls Their Days Back! with Days For Girls CEO, Tiffany Larson


Episode 93: Track Your Period. Crush the Curse. An interview with Emerging Health Owner, Christy Roberts