Episode 33: Not Alone

Today, I share with you one the most embarrassing experiences of my life.  

Why? One, because I hope by being vulnerable, it gives you permission to do the same and let's not take ourselves too seriously.

Two, because the experience immediately came to my mind as I thought about the two words "Not Alone" and there are many parallels to be found in it! Things got so much worse for me because I was too embarrassed to ask for help immediately and in my panic I lost my way.

Thoughts are powerful. When we think, "I am alone." We are flooded with all kinds of toxic emotions that move us to further isolation and feelings of loneliness.

Acknowledge what you are going through without judgement.

Name what you are thinking and how it is making you feel.

Start to identify thoughts that are keeping you stuck...and begin to let go...

  • ...of comparison

  • ...of supposed to

  • ...of shame and embarrassment

  • ...of judgment and critism

  • ...over overwhelm

  • ...of bitterness

  • ...of being right

  • ...of things you can not control

  • ...of timelines

As we let go of "sticky" thoughts we create space for healing...the key is to fill that space up with light, love and laughter...

“Laughter, song, and dance create emotional and spiritual connection; they remind us of the one thing that truly matters when we are searching for comfort, celebration, inspiration, or healing: We are not alone.” -- Brené Brown

LOOK for ways to bring connection into your life and you will see evidence of how not alone you are!

"The irony of loneliness is we all feel it at the same time -- together.” -- Rupi Kaur

So let's start getting better at being honest with ourselves and others, break the silence and heal with hope together!


Episode 34 : Sleep Matters


Episode 32: Suicidal Thoughts - A Siblings’ Perspective