Episode 34 : Sleep Matters

Find out why I have put off publishing this podcast and why... "Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together." — Thomas Dekker

I believe that our bodies are constantly trying to tell us how to take care of it.  Because it doesn’t have a voice, we have symptoms AND because we aren't really good at consistently listening to what our symptoms are trying to tell us they tend to get "louder and louder" the longer we ignore them.  In addition, not getting enough sleep can be down right dangerous.

Here are 6 reasons why you should get 7-9 hours of sleep a night:

1. Mental- Getting enough sleep improves cognition, concentration and productivity.
2. Emotional - Lack of sleep = lack of ability to regulate your emotions and interact socially.
3. Weight - sufficient sleep helps with maintaining a healthy weight and even weight loss.
4. Decreases inflammation -sleep combats chronic disease
5. Boosts immune system - fight off infection and viruses better
6. Muscles - sleep helps muscles heal and grow.

Here are 8 things you can do to get better sleep:

1. Choose to make it a priority.
2. Make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary.
3. Exercise regularly. 
4. Do things that relieve tension and stress.

  • Yoga

  • a few stretches right before trying to fall asleep

  • listen to calming music, sleep tracks or a calming audiobook

  • journal/thought dump

  • have a piece of paper by your bed to jot down thoughts that pop up

5. Avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol before bed
6. Consult a professional about safe things you can take to aid you in sleep
7. Talk with counselor, therapist or psychologist about emotional trauma and stress to relieve emotional and mental tension.
8. Take a nap. Get in your 7-9 hours in a 24 hour period however you can!

Here are a few sleep tracks to get you started. 





Episode 35 : Seasons Change & So Do We


Episode 33: Not Alone