Episode 83: Turning Pain Into Purpose-Interview with Amy Knowlton

You will come away from this episode feeling inspired and uplifted, which is unexpected since we are talking suicide, but I felt so much peace and joy talking with Amy today and I know you will get impressions as to things you can do in YOUR life to turn your own pain into purposeful actions. For me, hosting a free Annual Teen Yoga Event specifically to promote mental health and suicide prevention is one of the ways I have turned my own pain into purpose. Be a part of this incredible night here.

Amy is a wife and mother of three boys and one girl ranging from 11 years to a five month old. She is an incredible professional photographer and an avid distance runner.  She has served the youth in her church for over two decades and is one of the most creative, compassionate and caring people I have had the privilege of knowing.  Amy has the ability to get me laughing so hard I cry and she has cried with me when I had no laughter in me.  She is a huge advocate for mental health and one of my biggest fan’s.

Episode Outline:

-Natalie is a person who always allowed Amy in.  Saw her for who she was and loved her.
-Natalie was a peacemaker, an empath and a person who lived with Bi-polar Disorder, which wasn't diagnosed until she was 30.
-Amy reminded Natalie to disassociate who she truly was from the disorder.
-Natalie lost her battle to Bi-polar Disorder when Amy was 37 weeks pregnant with her third child.
Coping with the loss of her beloved sister:
-The hopelessness of "winter"...spring WILL come.
-Loss brought a closeness in their family as never before.
-Forget yourself in service.
-Choose how to honor and remember your loved one.
-Suicide is not a taboo subject AND Natalie is so much more than how she died.
-Talk about your loved one.
-Create new traditions and new memories.
-Don't hide in grief.
-Decided to do a week of RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS the 7 days leading up to anniversary of death.

-Compliment people; even someone you don't know.
-Pick up trash.
-Send letters.
-Put quarters in gum-ball machines for the next kid.
-Donate to a charity.
-Pay for the car behind you at a drive through.
-Anonymously deliver treats.
-Give flowers to strangers.
-Sidewalk chalk positive messages and fun pictures in public places.
-Post something positive on social media.
-Take someone a dinner.
-Smile at everyone you see for one whole day.

Listen in to these other incredibly helpful podcasts.
Episode 30: Suicidal Thoughts- A Teen's Perspective
Episode 31: Suicidal Thoughts- A Social Worker's Perspective
Episode 32: Suicidal Thoughts- A Sibling's Perspective

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Episode 84: Suicide Prevention Tips EVERYONE Should Know


Episode 82: Turning Pain Into Purpose -Interview with Pharmacist, Dr. Linda McElhiney