Episode 84: Suicide Prevention Tips EVERYONE Should Know

Please listen to and share this episode; It may just save someone's life!

Today I share 5 Suicide Risk Reduction Tips from Melissa Heath PhD, NCSP; a retired professor from Brigham Young University’s Department of Counseling, Psychology and Special Education.

Before I share these, I want us to be on the same page.  I view someone who died by suicide as someone who lost their battle to mental health just like I see someone who died from cancer as someone who lost the battle they were fighting to eradicate a disease of abnormal cells in their body.

From this day on, I invite you to always use the phrase "died by suicide" or "died from suicide" instead of "committed suicide"...because a person who has lost a battle to mental health is not weaker than a person who lost a battle to cancer.

5 Tips To Reduce Suicide Risk

TIP 1: Talk about suicide in general and talk about those you have lost to suicide just like you would talk about a loved one you lost to cancer. TALKING ABOUT SUICIDE DOES NOT INCREASE THE LIKELIHOOD OF YOUR LOVED ONE MAKING THAT CHOICE.  What it does is help them see you as a safe place to openly talk if they did ever have suicidal ideation.

TIP 2: Watch for warning signs. (Listen in for 6 signs!)

TIP 3: Ask indirect and direct questions. (Listen in to hear several examples.)

TIP 4: Create an atmosphere where you are most likely to be able to successfully make a connection and have an open conversation.  (Listen in for 8 suggestions.)

TIP 5: Take action if someone you love shows warning signs of suicide. (Listen in for 5 things you can do to support someone.)   

Last Week's Interview with Amy Knowlton
Episode 83: "Turning Pain into Purpose"

Listen in today and to these other incredibly helpful podcasts.
Episode 30: Suicidal Thoughts- A Teen's Perspective
Episode 31: Suicidal Thoughts- A Social Worker's Perspective
Episode 32: Suicidal Thoughts- A Sibling's Perspective
Episode 82: Turning Pain Into Purpose-Interview with Pharmacist, Dr. Linda McElhiney

2022 was the highest number of suicides ever reported in US history.  This is not just a problem in America either. Join me in making a difference and letting people know they are "NOT ALONE"-one person at a time.

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Not Alone Event as well as our other in person and online efforts to reach out to teens!!
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Episode 85: 7 Ways to Combat Loneliness


Episode 83: Turning Pain Into Purpose-Interview with Amy Knowlton