Episode 110: I Am Enough-Combating the Need to Be Perfect


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The magic happens on the mat.
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If I asked you to name all of the things you love, how long would it be before you named yourself?

In a culture where perfectionism is on the rise and there are a million voices ready to tell you that you are not enough so you buy their product or follow their program…I want to reiterate that YOU ARE ENOUGH. You deserve to be top on your list of things you love.  Let me remind you of this every night and help you fall asleep faster while I am at it!  You Are Enough (20min sleep meditation)

Today it is my hope that after listening to this you will understand the following points better…

1. You will understand what perfectionism is, where it stems from and how it is different from striving to be your highest self.

2. You be be able to recognize the signs you might be a perfectionist.  (I am going to talk about 11 today!)

3. You will be conscious of why perfectionism can be dangerous.

4. You’ll walk away from this episode knowing at least three tools to dealing with perfectionist thought patterns and behaviors so you can break free from the counterproductive, impossible, self dimishing pursuit of being perfect.

As always-the quotes I use today show up on @ishwarriors instagram! So follow us there to get more daily goodness!!

Check out other episodes in this series:

How Do I Accept Myself?
How To See A Miracle Everyday
Why Does My Body Deserve Immense Love & Care
Why Is it So Hard to Love Myself?
Mental Shortcuts That Kill
This Will Change How You View Your Body
This Will Change How You Feel In Your Body



Episode 109: Comparison Is the Thief of Self-interview with Stacy Sampen (Body Positivity Series)