Episode 35 : Seasons Change & So Do We

As thoughts fly seasons change…Wash off your bleak soul in the bliss of inner peace and enjoy the season of change… — C. Freeda

Changing seasons remind us that things aren't created to stay the same.  For a a person to thrive in this life, change and growth is essential.  And change whether it is expected or unexpected can bring a myriad of emotions from excitement to heartbreak, fulfillment to emptiness…Often our human nature is to hold on to the past and what we know even if what we know is keeping us stuck.  It is often our human nature to resist change or to be scared of change OR a desire to rush through transitions and get to the part where we are happily on the other side of change. 

Wrestling with change is normal. Listen in and hear how to develop a mental mindset that helps us feel peace as we process.

1. Understand that there is purpose in change.  Change is inevitable; growth is optional.

2.  It is normal to struggle regardless of what the change is or if it was expected or not.  All experiences have something to offer. Every emotion is a teacher. Feel the feels.

3. Reflect on what this particular season can offer you.  Don't waste energy in comparing it to other seasons of life or what should have been.  "Resign yourself to the influences of each season."

4. Be open to change. Look for what harvest you can find within your experience.  Decide what you want to keep and store up to preserve you in the months ahead.

5.  Give yourself grace and compassion as you process.  Your whole life might be shifting.  Be patient with yourself and others as you figure it out. 

6.  Try "Baby Steps" and ask yourself "What is the next right thing?"

7. "Be like the a tree and let the dead leaves go." -Rumi

You are becoming a different version of you...don't be scared.

“When you are transitioning to a new season of life, the people and situations that no longer fit you will fall away. Don’t fight the process.”

Mindfully choose to practice these 7 tools as you process changes and find the inner peace that sustains us and brings hope into your daily life.


Episode 36: How a M.S. Rockstar Embraces Change


Episode 34 : Sleep Matters