Episode 39: #30Thankfuldays2022

Listen in to hear how you can win a $50 gift card this November!!!!

Over the last 15, my yoga classes know that every November I like to give out prizes, do drawings and basically shower my students with love and gratitude.

I am so grateful for my students, without them I am not a teacher.

I am so grateful for my podcast listeners, without you I would not be able to spread "goodness" worldwide.

I am so grateful for my Isha Warriors members, without you-I would not have a business.

And this upcoming month I want to include YOU in my giveaways and drawings, simply because it is so much fun to do random acts of kindness!

What is the big deal about gratitude?!
Why should be spend time each day cultivating an attitude of gratitude?

A few take aways from today:
1. Gratitude makes what we have-ENOUGH. And ENOUGH IS A FEAST (Buddhist proverb).

2. Gratitude heals the heart and expands the mind.

3. You can feel grateful amidst suffering and in fact-Gratitude gives us a different perspective and helps us deal with the suffering in life.


1. Seek inspiration

2. Take 30 seconds at the beginning of the day and decide to be grateful

3. Switch off your mind (meditate)


4. Makes meals a time you notice the little things. Talk about the highlights of your day.

5. Practice being kind and selfless.

"Grateful in Any Circumstance" by Dieter F. Uchdorf

"Gratitude & Living With Gratitude" by Master Sri Avinash

You can enter to win a $50 gift card to places like Etsy, RedBubble and more by...
1. Posting every day on your social media with #30thankfuldays2022 and tagging @ishawarriors in every post.

2. Share "Monday Mindset with Isha Warriors" with 10 different people and screen shot the share.

3. Log into Isha Warriors and do 8 yoga classes in the month of November. This includes ALL members including those who have purchased the series only and are not Monthly or Annual Members.

At the end of the month we will be posting a call out on our Instagram and Facebook for people to comment that they "did the things" and will verify and pick the winners!!! $50 AND you are spreading love and light and gratitude!!
Let's do it,


Bonus Sleep Help: Grateful & Grounded


Episode 38: “The Easy and The Hard” with Former NBA Player Britton Johnsen