Episode 42: Random Acts Make Gratitude Fun

I believe that Random Acts of Kindness can change the world and they are so much FUN, you guys!!  Gratitude can be an expression that not only brings joy to your life, but a bit of adventure and excitement too.  Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Do something that scares you every day,” and she wasn't talking about watching the latest slasher film on Netflix. She was talking about stepping outside your comfort zone.  Doing Random Acts of Kindness is one way to do just that! 

1. Learn what Random Acts of Kindness are.
2. Learn why Random Acts...are so much fun! 
     A. There is zero pressure.
     B.  They get you out of your own drama and help create a shift in your mindset that brings in gratitude and abundance.
     C.  They boost your mood and its contagious!
     D.   They keep life fresh and fun, makes work seem like play and gives you a healthy sense of adventure as you step outside of your comfort zone!!

Here is a list of random acts to get you started.

  • rake your neighbors's leaves or shovel their walk

  • send a random text you know will make someone feel good.

  • smile at people

  • ask the person checking you out or helping you how their day is going

  • give a generous tip

  • write "have a great day", "you are loved", "you are...(something kind)" and leave it where someone will see it like on a subway seat, a car windshield or locker

  • Give an unexpected compliment.

  • donate gently used books and clothes.

  • Let someone cut in front of you in line.

  • Pay the toll for the car behind you.

  • Slow down so someone can merge in front of you in traffic.

  • Let someone else take that primo parking spot.

  • Give someone your seat on a crowded bus or subway.

  • Put coins in an expired parking meter.

  • Give up your seat on a plane so other travelers can sit together.

  • Buy a warm meal for someone in need. Give a snack to a homeless panhandler.

  • Help someone struggling to carry their grocery bags.

  • Stop to assist someone who looks lost.

  • Donate flowers to a nursing home.

  • Hand out disposable water bottles to people working outside on a hot day.

  • Buy a gift card to hand someone on your way out of the coffee shop.

  • Leave a great coupon next to that item in the grocery store.

  • PICK UP LITTER!! And throw it out.

  • Pass along a compliment to a service worker’s boss.

  • Take the time to write a great online review for a restaurant you love.

  • Pay for the meal of the next people at a drive thru.

  • Leave a positive comment on a news article or blog post.

  • Learn CPR.

  • Give an extra tip and write an encouraging note along with it.

  • Keep an extra umbrella in your car to give to someone stuck in the rain.

  • Buy lemonade from a child’s lemonade stand.

  • Visit a nursing home — read books to or play board games with residents.

  • Send a care package to a service member.

  • Bring treats to your local fire station.

  • Write a thank you note to your mail carrier.

  • Talk to a stranger at a party who looks like they don’t know anyone.

  • Smile at someone who looks sad.

  • Leave a treat on the doorstep of someone you know is going through something.


Episode 43: “Mind the Gap”


Episode 41: Gratitude Lights - How to Turn the Mundane Into Moments of Gratitude