Episode 43: “Mind the Gap”

It was 1997.  I had just graduated from high school and had the opportunity to go to Europe with my beloved older sister and a group from the University of Utah.  Our first stop was London! I loved everything about London! And there was one phrase in particular that has stuck with me all these years later.

"Mind the Gap".

It is a warning to for those getting on or off the Tube (underground train) to watch out for the 8 inch space between the platform and the train, so you don't get tripped up by the gap or stuck in it.

There is a book called "The Gap and the Gain" by Dan Sullivan & Dr. Benjamin Hardy that talks about how successful healthy people live in "The Gain" and "Mind the Gap" so to speak. Find the book: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-gap-and-the-gain-dan-sullivan/1139200380

Today, I...
1. talk briefly about the concept of the Gap & the Gain.
2. Juxtapose what the two look like and feel like in life.
3. Provide a few real life examples of what "living in the Gap or the Gain" looks like.

One example I use when comparing the two is that when you live "in the GAP" you have a Fixed Mindset and when you live "in the Gain" you possess a Growth Mindset based off of Dr. Carol Dweck's theory of "Fixed Mindset versus Growth Mindset".

A summary is here: https://fs.blog/carol-dweck-mindset/
Find the book: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mindset-carol-s-dweck/1100167257?ean=9780345472328

What you might take away from today...
1. Visualizing Ideals and what you want your future to look like is healthy and helps your "Present Self" feel hope and live in the now with intention.
(See Episodes 18 & 29!!)


2. We feel unsatisfied, frustrated, overwhelmed, hopeless etc when we compare our Present Self to the Ideal (which is simply a made up image/number etc we made up or we allow others to make for us like social media/cultural constraints/comparing ourselves to others) and FOCUS ON THE GAP between the two. ie you will always come up short, feel like you've been wronged, and get stuck in "should be", "could have been" mindsets.

3.  Successful people, who feel joy in the now and grow more confident and unique, are those who are able to constantly compare their Present Self to their Former Self AND FOCUS ON THE GAINS made.  

  • Gains might be from lessons learned through "failures", mishaps or even trauma.

  • Gains could be new thoughts or ideas.

  • Gains might be people you've met who have enriched your life.

  • Gains might be new knowledge about something.

  • Gains might be new skills acquired.

  • Gains might be getting good at feeling negative emotions like fear & disappointment.

  • Gains might be the fact that you were brave enough to try something new regardless of the outcome.

  • Gains might be something you created that brought YOU joy regardless of who else saw it/bought it/liked it.

Take time today to ponder on this past year and create your very own "Mind the Gap" list.  Measure yourself backwards and get more and more intune with what YOU want and what brings you lasting joy. 


Episode 44: Miraculous Mindset


Episode 42: Random Acts Make Gratitude Fun