Episode 48: Pick Your Word. Power Up Your New Year.

First, a big warm hug from Isha Warriors this winter in the form of free chair yoga for everyone!  Get stronger and more mobile this winter; all from your chair, all for free!
Sign up and share with everyone you know who tends to stay inside when the weather is bad!

Second, check out THIS podcast to better understand how ditching resolutions and replacing them with intentions can help you thrive in the year ahead.

Quick recap: Resolutions focus on the superficial.  They tend to be inflexible and narrow minded and are very linked to feeling worth and self importance based off of how we perceive the world sees us.  Resolutions focus on creating a new you, with boxes to check off and numbers to arrive at and achieve. And resolutions are all about “I will” statements…like a prize being dangled in front of your nose just out of reach.

Intentions on the other hand, force you to dig deeper and explore the root of your desires for certain results. Intentions are fluid and are formed by a heartfelt desire to love and respect oneself. With intentions you are empowered to pause and start anew any time as you give yourself Grace in the process of Becoming. Intentions are void of EGO. And they help you cultivate your dharma and uncovers the incredible potential that is already within you instead of focusing on what you need to do to fix yourself. They also are stated in the present, like the prize is in your hands already and you are free to feel the joy today. 

Are you ready to move into a future with freedom from unnecessary suffering? 

Freedom from suffering come from uncovering a pure virtue like love, compassion, peace, joy, service, balance, faith, trust, hope, acceptance, forgiveness, patience and devotion, abundance and so many more.  Identifying what pure virtue is at the core of what you want to create more of in your life is the key to creating an intention that rejuvenates and heals. 

What do you want to bring more of this upcoming year? 


  1. Take the time to dig deep and really think about what you want and why you want it.

  2. Pick your word it without apology, embarrassment, judgement or criticism.  

  3. Put it all over the place to subtly keep it in the forefront of your mind and help your "toddler tantrum mind" reset.  This word should feel light, hopeful, exciting, nurturing, fun and fluid...change it if it's not!

  4. Don’t weaponize this word. Remember, thoughts are powerful.  Your word can inspire and empower or it can overwhelm and defeat you…it all depends on how you think about it.  And I think a big part of keeping it light and empowering is let go of HOW and WHEN we see our intention manifest. 



Episode 49: We Say We Want Peace, Health & Happiness; But We Self Sabotage By Doing THIS…


Episode 47: Light the World-A Special Interview with Ainsley’s Angels Ambassador Kristy High