Episode 76: Letting Go of Jealousy

I noticed the feeling of jealousy popping up a few times over the last couple weeks for me.  To me, jealousy feels icky, and I immediately tell myself things like “Alli, you are better than this or more mature this-how could you allow such an emotion to pop up.”  I realized that kind of self talk is silly.

Because jealousy is absolutely a normal emotion that is going crop up in our lives…where the maturity comes in is what do we do with that crop…are we pretending it doesn’t exist? Are we watering it and actively making it grow taller or are we recognizing it isn’t food for our soul and throwing it out and replacing it with something that will nourish and help us thrive in our journey?

Everyone feels jealous at times. Everyone. It is normal.

Do any of the following thoughts of jealousy sound familiar or relatable to you ?

"They have it all…they are talented, top of the class, always getting the promotion, star of the team…why can’t I have what they have?"

"Why does this have to happen to me? They catch all the lucky breaks."

"They always do things without me. "

"I want to be part of that group."

"I am happy for them that they won…but why couldn’t it be me? I worked hard too-When’s it my turn?"

"They are (insert one or two) famous, gorgeous, genius or popular how can I even compete?"

Jealousy is an emotion that thrives on scarcity, conflict and drama…fear and doubt.  

It is magnified when you're fatigued or fed up and the feeling crops up more frequently than we like to admit.

I want to feel love for myself and others. I want to feel self confident and genuinely be happy for others and I still feel jealous sometimes…Just this last week I noticed the emotion pop up three times and that is totally normal, because I am a human who is supposed to experience all the emotions…but it is also an emotion that I do not want to hold onto…

BC Forbes said, “Jealousy is a mental cancer.” 

Buddha said, “He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.”

William Penn said, "The jealous are troublesome to others but a torment to themselves." 

If you are like me and you feel jealous sometimes and you recognize holding onto the emotion and feeding into this emotion is is affecting your peace of mind, and you are ready to stop tormenting yourself…listen in today as I talk about ways to process the emotion and let go of it…

First take two steps:
1. Acknowledge the emotion.
2. Acknowledge that you are not the emotion. 

Then use these 6 tools to help you process your jealousy, move through the feelings and let them go. 

  1. Zoom Out

  2. Find out more.

  3. Create it yourself.

  4. Empathize & celebrate

  5. Write a new script

  6. Be yourself.

Good luck!

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Episode 77: Self Discipline Is My Best Friend


Episode 75: Relationships-Why Do I Say What I Say & Do What I Do?