Episode 77: Self Discipline Is My Best Friend

When I say the word “discipline” what other words come to your mind?

-strictness, control, training someone to obey rules, pain/suffering & punishment...

When I say “best friend” what other words come to your mind?

-loyalty, empathy, acceptance, honesty, kindness, dependable/reliable & consistent...

Today let’s look at Self discipline in a new way together. 

Motivation gets you going…its that new product you see that excites you and you want to try, or your coach pumping you up at the beginning of the season or signing up for that race that is months away with a friend…

Motivation gets you going, but it is discipline that keeps you growing…it is truly the key ingredient that helps you define your identity and become so much more…it is the best friend who will help you succeed IN EVERY SINGLE AREA OF YOUR LIFE.

Jim Rohn said, “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.” 

Self discipline is not punishment but a powerful tool to obtaining your dreams.

Self discpline might feel restrictive at first but as Aristotle said, “Through self-discipline comes freedom.” 

Self discipline is the kind of best friend you want to be close to your whole life.  And like any worthwhile relationship it takes time and effort to trust and depend on one another. So give yourself grace as you develop more and more self discipline…and remember

Self Discipline is like your best friend. 

1. Starting with that best friend is kind to you. Accept and acknowledge where you are at right now. 

2. Empathize with yourself and your situation. 

3. Then get real honest just like your best friend would and ask yourself…am I living my dream life? Am I where I want to be? Am I the kind of person I truly want to be?

This is part of what "Atomic Habits" author James Clear calls the Noticing Stage.

 “Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity.”

Like a best friend self discipline can be dependable and reliable for you if you actively shape your environment to set yourself up for success.

This is where James Clear's Wanting Stage comes into play. Be active in shaping your environment because you are going to want whatever is right in front of you!

Self discipline can be a consistent best friend always there for you as you take small repetitive steps. 

This is the Doing Stage. Take small, doable, easy steps that will be easy to repeat.

Self discipline can be like that fun best friend you look forward to hanging out with!

The fourth stage that will help you implement habits that will change your very identity and help you achieve your dreams is called the Liking Stage. 

We do the things we like. Healthy habits often times have delayed gratification and rewards are down the road...so what can you do to help you feel rewarded in the present moment?! This will help you keep doing it!

Whether it is accountability buddy or an app that makes you smile every time you click a box...find out what feels like fun for you!!

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Episode 78: 6 Tips To Own Your Morning & Elevate Your Life - Self Discipline is My Best Friend (Part 2)


Episode 76: Letting Go of Jealousy