Episode 37: Hurry to Happy

This month I’ve been talking about seasons.  How the changing seasons remind us that there is a purpose to change, there is beauty in change.  Change is inevitable but growth and learning from it is a choice.  Here is the thing, I often find myself wanting to learn my lessons faster…I want to see change happen quicker.  I want to "hurry to happy".

Like a person impatiently waiting for the cold winter days to turn into spring, we often feel like happiness, joy and warmth is on the other side of whatever seemingly cold changes and circumstances we are currently going through.  Maybe we have intentions that haven’t manifested yet or goals we aren’t reaching as quickly as we had hoped.

It IS possible to see the joy in the now.  It IS possible to create happiness today regardless of our circumstance!

First, we have to figure out why we are in such a hurry to get to what we perceive will make us happy and then I’ll share 3 things that will help you feel the happy now.

Thoughts of scarcity are often the root of our anxious rush to "get to the happy"...we have to acknowledge what those thoughts are then...

1. Combat "sticky thoughts" of scarcity with thoughts of abundance.


2. Make fun a priority.  A small twist to the things you do every day, trying something new, doing something unexpected...keeping life new and fresh and fun helps you live IN THE MOMENT and LOVE THE MOMENTS.  Get creative or connect with people, places and things that are!!


Episode 38: “The Easy and The Hard” with Former NBA Player Britton Johnsen


Episode 36: How a M.S. Rockstar Embraces Change