Not sure what to do when an instructor says, “Move through your flow”?
Take a few minutes to watch this and pick what is right for you!
8 Ways to Vinyasa Flow
“Let go of the things you can’t control and do the things you can with a cheerful heart.”
-Alli Louthain
Put on your favorite tunes to chill to, grab a mat, two blocks & a strap and let’s have some fun.
50min w/Makayla Body Positivity Series Week 6. Eagle Pose + yoga break dancing
50min w/Makayla Body Positivity Series Week 4. Eagle Pose + bound triangle + trifecta strong
50min shoulder openers + eagle arms + balancing thread the needle + baby grasshopper + boat + eagle pose
30min w/Eliza Body Positivity Series Week 1 Awkward twist + side plank + skandasana (deep lunge)
50min w/Makayla Body Positivity Series Week 2. Eagle Pose + side plank with modifications + quad stretch
w/Savannah camel + Wild thing + crow
w/Makayla Magic 4 + wide leg forward fold + splits
w/Gabe wild thing + fallen triangle
w/Eliza Wild thing + crow or shoulder stand
w/ Eliza reverse triangle + Wild thing + reclined hero or cow face
10/11/22 yoga w/Eliza funky twist + lizard + 1/2 moon + pigeon
10/25/22 yoga w/Eliza 1/2 moon + play with crow or pigeon
11/1/22 Yoga w/Makayla Warrior Series + Wild thing
9/20/22 yoga w/Makayla low lunge bind + pyramid + extended big toe/extended heel stretch, may need chair!
9/27/22 yoga w/ Clover reverse side angle +Bound side angle + froggie or dancer
10/4/22 yoga w/ Lizzie warriors series + magic 4 pose
8/30/22 yoga w/Savannah ”I find my tribe” warrior 3 + revolved triangle + crow + splits
9/6/22 yoga w/Makayla ”be brave”warrior 3, seated extended big toe twist, arial arm play
9/13/22 Yoga w/Eliza start standing. warrior series w/ warrior 3 + pyramid of power
8/9/22 yoga w/Paige ”Ego Paradox” (Athlete series)
8/16/22 yoga w/Makayla ”Fearless” (Athlete Series)
8/23/22 yoga w/Shalon “Rock Your Walk Up Song” (Athlete Series)
7/19/22 yoga w/ Elle “Somebody Before Something” (Athlete series)
7/26/22 yoga w/Alana “Mental Toughness” (Athlete Series)
8/2/22 yoga w/Savannah “In the Zone” (Athlete Series)
7/5/22 B.R.A.G Gyan mudra + pigeon + arial arms from high lunge
6/28/22 Warrior Series + Tree Pose
6/21/22 Heart opener + Broker wing + Crow + Tree
6/14/22 Playing with Crow Pose + Tree Pose
6/7/22 Playing with Crow Pose + Tree Pose
5/24/22 Breath of joy + Warrior series + Eagle pose
5/17/22 Pulling Prana/Longahana experiment+ Fallen Triangle + Eagle
5/10/22 Dolphin + Pulling Prana Challenge + Eagle Pose
5/3/22 Eagle Pose + Revolved triangle
4/26/22 Revolved Triangle + Standing Big Toe + Pigeon
4/19/22 Awkward twist + Splits + Standing Big Toe + Pigeon
4/12/22 Awkward twist + Standing Big Toe + Pigeon
3/29/22 Start in kneeling + Dancer Pose + Baby grasshopper
3/22/22 (Live) Revolved Triangle + Baby grasshopper + Dancer
3/15/22 Guest Maren + Revolved Triangle + Dancer
3/8/22 Boat + Dancer
3/1/22 Plank + Trifecta + Fallen Triangle
2/22/22 Boat + Revolved Triangle + Dancer + Live version