“Don’t tear yourself down when you have the power to build yourself up.” -Cleo Wade

45min Reverse plank + walking eagle

50min eagle pose + neck stretches + sit on toes stretch

50min chair pose + eagle pose

30min w/swim team hip openers + butterfly + reclined pigeon

50min modified side plank + Reclined hero

30min w/library teens shooting star + cow face + tiger tail

50min w/library teens Wide V +extended cat + reclined hero + baby grasshopper

45min w/library teens baby grasshopper + cow face + side crow

45min w/library side crow + fallen angel + camel + plank

30min w/ Lydia lizard + side angle + pigeon

50min w/ Gabe standing side stretches + side crow

45min w/library teens magic 4 + reverse lunge + crow

30min w/Norah butterfly + side crow

35min w/Fearless Fastpitch Magic 4 + foot stretch

35min w/Jackson magic 4

50min w/library teens magic 4 + warrior + bind from cat/cow

55min w/library teens reverse plank + froggie + magic 4

60min w/Elizabeth wide leg forward fold + side plank

Yoga w/ Jackson forward folds + single leg split + lizard

Yoga w/Gabe Warrior series + modified Wild Thing

Yoga w/Jackson- back opener + reclined hero + 1/2 moon

Yoga w/Maison-modified 1/2 moon

Yoga w/Lena-slow flow + long savasana

Yoga w/Jackson- wide seated V + pretzel legs

Yoga w/Gabe-Start standing + Warrior 3

Yoga w/Luke- Warrior 3, lunge bind, single leg bow

Yoga w/Jasmine- “Not Alone” box breath + pigeon + pyramid of power, twists

Yoga w/Amelia- Rock Your Walk Up Song

Yoga w/Robert- Fearless

Yoga w/Gabe- Ego Paradox & Emotional Resilience

Yoga w/Gunner - In the Zone

Yoga w/Shalon- Mental Toughness

Yoga w/Nylan- Somebody Before Something

Yoga w/Eden- B.R.A.G. thread the needle + bow

Yoga w/ Gabe- Karate Kid + Archer Pose

Yoga w/Kayson- B.R.A.G. All on the mat

Yoga w/ Jackson-Crow/Plank Pose + Fun twisty legs + Tree Pose

Yoga w/ Cate- Breath Awareness + Crow Pose

Yoga w/Camilla-Breath of Joy + Cow face + Eagle

Yoga w/Luke-Pulling prana +Joyful dancer + Eagle

Yoga w/Jackson-Balancing cat + Eagle Pose

Yoga w/Owen- Breath Awareness + Warrior Series

Yoga w/Jaz- Ujjayi + Pigeon + Pyramid + Standing Big Toe

Yoga w/Lena-Turn up the volume and listen to what Lena shares at the end of class!

Yoga w/Eliza- Breath Awareness + boat + Standing Big Toe

Yoga w/ Darth Vader + plank + dancer pose

Yoga w/ Darth Vadar Ujjayi breath + Tree pose

Yoga w/Jaz- Ujjayi breath + Tree pose

Yoga w/ Eliza-Basic not “basic” routine.

Yoga w/ Luke-Breath awareness + Tree pose

Yoga w/ Jackson- Breath awareness + Tree pose


30min & 45min Yoga


All Levels Vinyasa Flow