Restorative Yoga. Better than a nap.

Wear something comfy and grab…your mat, two blocks, a strap, a blanket, a bolster or a pillow or two and an eye pillow or something to put cover your eyes with. Get ready to shift your mood, switch off your fight-or-flight response and restore your body to wholeness! Holding still can be hard, but the benefits are worth it! Trust me!

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40min Part of Body Positivity Series

Yoga w/Maison Perfect “Wind down before bedtime” routine!

Yoga w/Jackson “Season Change.” Heart + hip + shoulders openers

Yoga w/Eliza I am Grateful. Heart openers + strap work + legs up the wall or variation

Yoga w/Sam Yoga For Athlete Series “Be open to new things .”

Yoga w/Eliza. “Watch ______ grow in awe and let go of the details.”

Yoga w/Eden. “Look outside. It’s a beautiful day and I’m going to keep it that way.

Yoga w/Clover. “Let go of the things that so easily beset you.”

Yoga with Eva. “Abundance is about being rich; with or without money.” -Suze Ormen

Yoga with Eliza. “Be kind. Everyone is fighting a hard battle.”


All Levels Vinyasa Flow


Freedom From Depression & Anxiety : 8 Week Series